
Yes, we all knew this was coming…so here it is!

T-R’Aix is a really fun and laid back Ultimate team. Ultimate players in France are not very different from those in the US! They are always late, really friendly, love to heckle, and have a ton of spirit, and carpool (thank goodness because the bus stops running before practice is over). Many of them also know a bit of English. Everyone is fortunately really patient with my french and willing to help. I think they find it funny, along with most French people. My American accent gives me away in a second ha ha.

It’s really interesting trying to figure out the Ultimate lingo in French! For some things like “up,” they use English. Sometimes they switch between the two. I’ve heard them say “home” and “away”, other times they use “maison” and “terrain.” Most directions they give are in French. They call a forehand un coup droit and a backhand un revers and a hammer an upside (that’s one of my favorites and a bit franglish).

I am really glad I know how to play ultimate though. I would be so lost if they where trying to teach me how to play in French. Besides Lancer-to throw, they never taught me any Ultimate related words in French class! Hopefully by the end of the semester I will be fluent in Ultimate, both in French and English!

2 thoughts on “Ultimate!

  1. I just read and watched for the first time your wondeful ADVENTURESRENEE.
    What an experience!! One of few places I visited when Studying in England was VENICE. Your WOW I certainly relived. Look forward to seeing you in December. i L U – Your fortunate grandfather.Pete

    • I am so happy you enjoyed it!
      That is awesome. I really loved Venice! It is a beautiful city.
      I L U and look forward to seeing you when I come home <3

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