If you are taking the time to read this blog I am assuming that you already know about my obsession with Ultimate!
One of the worst parts of graduating colleges was leaving the Gunx! After 4 years of non-stop Ultimate 3 of which I co-captained the team, I was suddenly Ultimate-less! It was a sand thing. Fortunately, Rockland Ultimate saved my life!
Rockland Ultimate is a great group of Ultimate lovers who get together for pickup on Wednesdays and Sundays. I was ecstatic after my first game playing with them and discovering that not only are they cool people but that they are great and serious pickup players who love to have fun! Every time I play with them I get a great workout and play some fun but competitive Ultimate!
Now I was just happy to have some competitive Ultimate to look forward to twice a week. Never could I have imagined finding Ultimate, new friends, and then getting to play more Ultimate with these new friends!
Now I am playing Wudi fall league and carpooling with Pat, Jon, and Adam (new Ultimate Friends). Life is good and full of Ultimate again! Thanks Gunx for getting me hooked